Effective Strategies for Monitoring and Controlling Screen Time in School-Aged Children

The advancement of technology has brought new evolutions in the digital era. With smartphones, and tablets easily available in their grasp, school-going children have been exposed to digital media. Science & technology are powerful tools which can enhance knowledge, but the excessive use of this technology in the form of social media has brought the need to monitor screen time. It has become indispensable for parents to curb & control screen time. 

In this guide, here are some points to show the importance of managing screen time in school-going children.

The Dilemma Of Screen Time

The introduction of the latest devices has brought down a challenge for parents. Technology can be utilized for imparting education. Parents have to prevent excessive screen time. Overexposure can impact the overall health of children. By curbing excessive exposure, parents can build a nurturing environment, which will affect the emotional well-being of their children. 

Appropriate Recommendations

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that toddlers should not get more than one hour of screen time every day. Young children who are 6 years & older can have a little more time. 

Setting Limits

Parents and educators should establish definite rules regarding their screen time. Nowadays young children are provided digital devices in classrooms, so the guidelines should be strictly followed by both the learners and parents.

To Encourage Free Zones

Educators and parents should mark certain areas in the home & school compound as screen-free zones. This will engage them in face-to-face conversations with other peers. At home, young children can play with their grandparents or pets. This will help them hone their communication skills which is crucial for building interpersonal relationships.

Parental Controls

Parents should utilize control features on digital devices. They should install monitoring apps on their devices so that they can keep a close watch on their digital activities.

A Media Plan

Parents should embrace a family media plan. They should collaborate with other members of the family to come up with a media plan that will emphasize screen time rules and alternative exciting activities. They can encourage all to participate in the activities so that children can join them for more fun.

Educational Screen Time

Educators and parents should encourage learners to use educational apps for their cognitive development. The screen time will not be only for entertainment but it will make the learning  more interesting. 

Healthy Behavior

Children follow their parents, so adults should be their role models in shaping their behavior. Parents should limit their screen time and engage in fun-filled activities along with their children. 

The Role of the IB Curriculum

The holistic approach of the IB curriculum focuses on nurturing the individuals. Vedanya International School, one of the best IB primary schools in Gurgaon, contributes to the effective use of screen time:

Inquiry-Based Learning: The curriculum of IB schools encourages the learners to question, and explore all things around them. Educators at Vedanya International School integrate the latest technology seamlessly to support inquiry-based learning. Learners are engaged to get real-world experience. 

Transdisciplinary Learning: The IB Primary Years Programme emphasizes transdisciplinary learning. Educators can foster an understanding of all subjects to enhance transdisciplinary connections. 

Critical Thinking: Educators at the best IB primary school in Gurgaon select the digital resources carefully to encourage critical thinking. This analytical learning will develop their cognitive abilities. 

Building Global Citizens: The school instills a sense of global citizenship in young learners. By collaborating with digital technology in the form of virtual conferences, and online discussions, they create globally-minded citizens. 

Profile Attributes: Vedanya International School emphasizes the development of qualities that make them global citizens. With the help of digital devices, these qualities can be imparted to them. 

Wrapping  Up

Monitoring and controlling screen time in school-going children needs a thoughtful approach from both the parents and educators. The strategies will pave the way in preparing younger learners for a digital future. We should remember that reducing screen time will foster a balanced and healthy environment for children. Parents can incorporate these strategies to limit screen time and nurture their well-being. Educators at the best IB primary school in Gurgaon embark on the journey to provide learners with a brighter and more interesting childhood.

IB primary school in Gurgaon


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